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© copyright - 2024 modaresa

© copyright - 2024 modaresa

empowering fashion brands since 2020


2 hybrid campaigns / year

1200 yearly interactions

Sales team size : 50+


2 in-person campaigns / year

2 virtual campaigns / year

400 yearly interactions

Sales team size : 3

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4 hybrid campaigns / year

1600 interactions / year

Sales team size : 34

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ModaResa revolutionises the fashion industry by redefining how brands like Jacquemus, MISBHV, and Loewe, as well as multibrand showrooms and agencies,

connect and interact with

their retailers worldwide.

Seamless scheduling, team coordination, and tracking during fashion weeks, both physical

and virtual.

ModaResa revolutionises the fashion industry by redefining how brands like Jacquemus, MISBHV, and Loewe, as well as multibrand showrooms and agencies, connect and interact with their retailers worldwide.

Seamless scheduling, team coordination, and tracking during fashion weeks,

both physical and virtual.

ModaResa revolutionises the fashion industry by redefining how brands like Jacquemus, MISBHV, and Loewe, as well as multibrand showrooms and agencies,

connect and interact with their retailers worldwide.

Seamless scheduling, team coordination, and tracking during fashion weeks,

both physical and virtual.

ModaResa revolutionises the fashion industry by redefining how brands like Jacquemus, MISBHV, and Loewe, as well as multibrand showrooms and agencies,

connect and interact with their retailers worldwide.

Seamless scheduling, team coordination, and tracking during fashion weeks,

both physical and virtual.

ModaResa revolutionises the fashion industry by redefining how brands like Jacquemus, MISBHV, and Loewe, as well as multibrand showrooms and agencies,

connect and interact with their retailers worldwide.

Seamless scheduling, team coordination, and tracking during fashion weeks,

both physical and virtual.

schedule for success


2 hybrid campaigns / year

1200 yearly interactions

Sales team size : 50+

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2 in-person campaigns / year

2 virtual campaigns / year

400 yearly interactions

Sales team size : 3

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4 hybrid campaigns / year

1600 interactions / year

Sales team size : 34

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schedule for success

schedule for success


2 hybrid campaigns / year

1200 yearly interactions

Sales team size : 50+

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2 in-person campaigns / year

2 virtual campaigns / year

400 yearly interactions

Sales team size : 3

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4 hybrid campaigns / year

1600 interactions / year

Sales team size : 34

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© copyright - 2024 modaresa

© copyright - 2024 modaresa